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Oct 03, 2023

BT Ireland wins global award for Customer-Centric Culture

By Barry O'Shea Customer Experience & Transformation at BT Ireland

Another milestone in BT Ireland’s customer experience (CX) journey was achieved earlier this year when we won the Customer-Centric Culture award at the Customer Centricity World Series. Getting to the finals of the independent global awards was exciting and coming first in a key category was a great accomplishment and testament to the hard work of all our colleagues over many years. 

I see first-hand how our culture impacts our team's performance and, consequently, our customers' satisfaction. To come out top of a shortlist of 14 global companies, from a wide range of sectors and customer bases, has validated all our work to date and inspired us to do more. Not just an award, it's an indicator of how far we’ve come in an area of business that give us a strategic advantage.

Our Customer Service team plays a pivotal role in our customers' experiences. And when they see that we value their input and are dedicated to making their job easier, they become more engaged and motivated.

Continuous Improvement

CX has always been a key focus for everything we do at BT Ireland and I'm committed to fostering and nurturing a culture of Continuous Improvement. Here's why:

  • Always striving to provide a better service directly translates into happier, more satisfied customers and colleagues.
  • Constantly innovating and adapting to changing customer needs keeps us ahead of the competition
  • Our people are empowered to take ownership and fix bugs and glitches across customer journey points, and to identify inefficiencies where we can save time and money.
  • Continuous Improvement also encourages creative thinking, sparking new ideas for service enhancements that lead to further innovations that will set us apart. These form the basis of our Strategic Customer Experience improvement themes, spanning product, service, digital and customer journey points.

By focusing on improvement, we're investing in our long-term success. building a solid foundation based on sustainable growth achieved through customer loyalty. 

Digitally driven approach

Markets evolve and so do customer preferences. By adopting a digital approach, by leveraging strategic tooling to better serve customers and simultaneously improve colleague experiences, we've been able to improve our agility and our CX performance.

At the same time, quality assurance has helped us maintain and even elevate our service quality standards. By being laser focused on the health of our customer service - 24/7/365, we have built much stronger relationships with customers who know they can trust us. 

We are honoured to receive the award for our Customer Centric Culture, but we know that we're only as good as our last customer interaction, whether it's a conversation with an account manager or a service desk call. Our main objective is to stay focused on continuous service improvement and deliver a great experience to all our customers.